-0,78 %4,86 $US
Market Cap
Volume (24h)
Approvisionnement en Circulation
Changement (24h)
Price chart (7d)
1 899 438 826 $US0ATOM-0,78 %

Cosmos ATOM Prix 4.86

Rise price today is $0.005136 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $459.03 USD. Rise is up 5.05% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #1345, with a market cap of $834,437 USD. It has a circulating supply of 162,455,453 RISE coins and the max. supply is not available. You can find the top exchanges to trade Rise listed on our crypto exchanges page.

RISE offers a platform for Decentralized Applications (DAPPs), powered by a community-driven Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) blockchain. It is reportedly maintained by 101-199 Delegates nodes that are elected by the RISE community through voting with their RISE wallets. Elected active Delegates are rewarded for running nodes to secure the network

RISE aims to offer developers Software Development Kits (SDKs) to enable the creation of Decentralized Applications (DAPPs). Developers will also be able to interact with the RISE blockchain through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in multiple code languages such as TypeScript/JavaScript, Python, C# and JAVA. RISE claims to be one of the first blockchain projects to have its core codebase written in TypeScript. TypeScript is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript used for large web development projects. Applications built on RISE will be distributed and decentralized, as a copy of the blockchain will reside on multiple nodes and if one node fails the network can still operate. DAPPs created with RISE development tools will run on RISE sidechains.

RISE Vision was incorporated as a business in Gibraltar as of December 2017.


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ATOM  Statistics
ATOM  Price
4,86 $US
-24,55 %
Rang du marché
Market Cap
1 899 438 826 $US
24 Hour Volume
160 900 571 $US
C-g Supply
Offre totale
390 934 204
All Time High
10,27 $US
4 грудня 2022 р.
All Time Low
6,44 $US
14 березня 2019 р.
52 La semaine High / Low
43,61 $US
/ 5,62 $US
90 Day High / Low
16,59 $US
/ 8,77 $US
30 Day High / Low
14,77 $US
/ 8,77 $US
Day High / Low
10,55 $US
/ 9,50 $US
24 Hour High / Low
10,27 $US
/ 10,05 $US
Hier H / L
10,27 $US
/ 10,05 $US
Hier O / C
10,05 $US
/ 10,27 $US
Hier Change
0,220150 $US
2,19 %
Hier Volume
78 790 536 $US
ATOM  Statistics
ATOM  Price
4,86 $US
-24,55 %
Rang du marché
Market Cap
1 899 438 826 $US
24 Hour Volume
160 900 571 $US
C-g Supply
Offre totale
390 934 204
All Time High
10,27 $US
4 грудня 2022 р.
All Time Low
6,44 $US
14 березня 2019 р.
52 La semaine High / Low
43,61 $US
/ 5,62 $US
90 Day High / Low
16,59 $US
/ 8,77 $US
30 Day High / Low
14,77 $US
/ 8,77 $US
Day High / Low
10,55 $US
/ 9,50 $US
24 Hour High / Low
10,27 $US
/ 10,05 $US
Hier H / L
10,27 $US
/ 10,05 $US
Hier O / C
10,05 $US
/ 10,27 $US
Hier Change
0,220150 $US
2,19 %
Hier Volume
78 790 536 $US