People are Changing their Minds about Bitcoin

From time to time it is useful to try the opinions of analysts and experts on breaking news and celebrities talking about Bitcoin. The presence of Jordan Belfort, the character who inspired the famous “Wolf of Wall Street”, is perhaps one of the most constant. Having started as a big opponent of the entire industry, the specialist actually retreated, albeit slowly.

And today he is ready to completely renounce his words. After all, he confirmed into the microphones that he was completely wrong about Bitcoin, especially with regard to the forecast that in a few years its rate would be zero. A public confession, which for many is similar to a train wreck in the process of preparation, but which should be given credit for courage, since it was made at a time not the easiest for the markets.

Let’s face it: for a long time, playing skeptics about Bitcoin has also helped create a kind of aura of competence, of those who know everything, of the old guard, who know more than a bunch of young people at the crossroads of cyberpunk culture and finance. Instead, sooner or later, with rare exceptions, they all fell.

The last one in chronological order, to whom we also cannot fail to pay tribute, is Jordan Belfort, whom many of our readers know from the film “The Wolf of Wall Street”, a character ambiguous for many and who became popular thanks to a kind of biopic starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

“At that time, I really hated cryptocurrencies, and I still stand by my opinion, except for one thing: I was wrong when I said that Bitcoin would fall to zero. But I haven’t really studied it enough because I preferred to say it’s a scam because of the many signs.”

The almost complete rollback, which, among other things, was facilitated by the first big surge of hatred for the BTC over those years, led to the financier agreeing that Bitcoin, nevertheless, retained interesting levels of capitalization.

“I was persuaded by the fact that when it collapsed and reached $3,000, it was still an asset that was worth billions. I thought – wait, when scams collapse, they should be reset to zero, as happened with UST, and this is the first thing that made me start studying it.”

Not the first, not the last

Considering that Bitcoin, despite the still very unstable and still disturbing market, which will remain so for now, we are sure that many other opponents of cryptocurrencies will change their minds. Some, due to their advanced age, may not have time – remember those who hang around Berkshire Hathaway, but others will find the courage, which, as we have seen, is present in Jordan Belfort.

Courage, however, is subject to everyone, because we are dealing not just with a financial asset, but with a real tool that can change the world as we know it. And not only in terms of assets.