How to buy NFT in 2024: strategies and tips for successful investments

In the world of digital assets, non-interchangeable tokens (NFT) have become an integral part of the investment landscape, offering unique opportunities for collecting and investing. In 2024, the NFT market remains dynamic and attractive to a wide range of participants. In this article, we will look at the key strategies and tips that will help […]

NFT 2024: new trends and opportunities for investors and collectors

Despite its relatively young age, the non-interchangeable Tokens (NFT) market continues to show impressive growth and evolution. In 2024, this segment of the cryptocurrency industry is attracting more and more attention among both collectors and investors, due to its unique ability to combine digital assets with value and authenticity. In this article, we will look […]

NFT and Legislation: From Intellectual Property Protection to Tax Aspects

In recent years, the world has witnessed an explosive growth in interest in Non-Functional Tokens (NFTs). From digital art and music to virtual real estate and collectibles, NFTs open up new opportunities for cultural creators and investors. However, at the same time, many questions arise regarding the legal status of NFTs and their regulation by […]

NFT and music: Prospects for cooperation in the music industry in 2024

NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) are non-transferable tokens that have become one of the key elements of the digital revolution in the music industry. In 2024, NFT continues to change the landscape of the music ecosystem, offering new opportunities for artists, musicians, fans and investors. Let’s look at how NFT and music interact and what prospects for […]