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DYdX DYDX Price 0.76146743

Check out our deep dive to find out more about this project.
What is the name of the product?
The governance token for the layer 2 protocol is called DYDX.
The right to propose changes on the dYdX layer 2 is granted to token holders, who are presented with an opportunity to profit through token staking and trading fee discounts.
layer 2 is used for trading cross-margined perpetuals on the platform
dYdX is an open-source platform that can be used to lend, borrow and trade coins.
The exchange received over $10 million in seed venture capitalist funding.

Who are the people who started dYdX?
Antonio Juliano is the founder and CEO of DYDX. He first entered the space when he got a job as a software engineer at a platform.
dYdX has a head of operations. Nimble was a social sales and marketingCRM andBain & Company was a consulting service.

What makes dYdX unique?
dYdX combines advanced financial tools with decentralization. The platform supports margin trading, which allows investors to increase their exposure to digital assets through leverage. The type of futures contract that does not have a selling date is also available for trading on dYdX.
Once funds are deposited into the account, dYdX users earn interest as their assets are entered into the global lending pool. The platform makes sure that borrowers have enough money in their account at all times.
dYdX Layer 2 uses a form of zero-knowledge rollup to increase the network's capacity. The technology is able to proof transactions off-chain.
dYdX introduces retroactive mining benefits, allowing the platform to show appreciation to historical users and incentivize them to trade on layer 2 protocol. The holders can stake their token in the pools.

There are pages related to this.
The native token of the exchange is XCM.
Huobi token is the native token of Huobi Global.
Tidex token is a native of the exchange.

How many DYDX Coins are in circulation?

Future employees and consultants of dYdX will be kept a portion of the past investors' money.

The dYdX Network is secured.

When will trading begin?
The DYDX token was available for purchase.

Is DYDX able to hit $50?
During the month of September, there were two instances of notable Bitcoin price drops. In a little over a month, DYDX doubled its value and went from $10.23 to $22.66

Where can I buy DYDX?
There are a number of exchanges where DYDX is available for purchase.
Is it a new person?

  • To own your crypto assets, you need to manage your own private keys.
  • Ledger hardware wallets make private key management easy and secure.
  • Each unique 24-word recovery phrase creates a new set of private keys.
  • Make sure you secure your 24-word recovery phrase properly.
DYDX  Statistics
DYDX  Price
No data
Market rank
Market cap
24 Hour Volume
C-g Supply
Total supply
All Time High
4 грудня 2022 р.
All Time Low
8 вересня 2021 р.
52 Week High / Low
/ $1.01
90 Day High / Low
/ $1.19
30 Day High / Low
/ $1.22
Day High / Low
/ $1.61
24 Hour High / Low
/ $1.79
Yesterday2 H / L
/ $1.79
Yesterday2 O / C
/ $1.86
Yesterday2 Change
Yesterday2 Volume
Rank 137
DYDX  Statistics
DYDX  Price
No data
Market rank
Market cap
24 Hour Volume
C-g Supply
Total supply
All Time High
4 грудня 2022 р.
All Time Low
8 вересня 2021 р.
52 Week High / Low
/ $1.01
90 Day High / Low
/ $1.19
30 Day High / Low
/ $1.22
Day High / Low
/ $1.61
24 Hour High / Low
/ $1.79
Yesterday2 H / L
/ $1.79
Yesterday2 O / C
/ $1.86
Yesterday2 Change
Yesterday2 Volume