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SafeMoon SAFEMOON Price 0.00003965

Is SafeMoon (SAFEMOON)?
SafeMoon Protocol is a token.
RFI tokenomics and an auto-liquidity generating protocol are included in the SafeMoon protocol. SafeMoon plans to develop a non-fungible token, as well as charity projects and educational apps. Depending on how many coins they have, token holders will earn more SAFEMOON. When compared to traditional interest accounts, this can be up to 80%.
Users will be able to create their own cryptocurrencies via the platform when SafeMooon Protocol is expanded to include an NFT marketplace and coin launchpad.

Who are the founding members of SafeMoon?
John Karony is the CEO of SafeMoon.

What makes SafeMoon unique?
According to the SafeMoon white paper, a big problem in the emerging DeFi industry is the existence of high APYLP-farms that don't have easy access for newcomers to the space.
SafeMoon aims to use the idea of static rewards in order to remove any pressure on the token that could occur when it is sold. The white paper states that the Reflecting mechanism adds incentive for SafeMoon holders to keep their token for longer. A price floor/cushion for token holders is added to the protocol by SafeMoon.

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You can learn more in our deep dive.
PancakeSwap is a popular exchange on the smart chain.
You can learn more about DeFi here.
Do you want to keep track of SafeMoon prices?
Alexandria has the latest news and trading analysis.

How many safe moon coins are in circulation?
There is a total supply of 1,000,000,000,000,000, with 223,000,000,000,000 burned dev token and a fair launch supply of 777,000,000,000,000, according to the SafeMoon white paper.
In each trade, the transaction is taxed with a fee of 10%, which is cut in half, according to the white paper.

How is the SafeMoon network secured?
The SafeMoon white paper has a plan for the safety of its protocol, which includes burning all token in the developer's wallet before launch, a fair launch on DxSale, and an LP locked on DxLocker for four years.

Where can you buy safe moon?
SafeMoon is available to trade on many exchange platforms.
There are many SafeMoon price pairs, including SAFEMOON/WBNB, SAFEMOON/USDT and SAFEMOON/BUSD. You can use the SafeMoon price page to check the price in your preferred currency. Alternatively, use the dedicated exchange rate page.
You can find more information about how to buy digital currency at Alexandria.

  • To own your crypto assets, you need to manage your own private keys.
  • Ledger hardware wallets make private key management easy and secure.
  • Each unique 24-word recovery phrase creates a new set of private keys.
  • Make sure you secure your 24-word recovery phrase properly.
SAFEMOON  Statistics
No data
Market rank
Market cap
24 Hour Volume
C-g Supply
Total supply
All Time High
4 грудня 2022 р.
All Time Low
9 березня 2021 р.
52 Week High / Low
/ $0.00000000
90 Day High / Low
/ $0.00000001
30 Day High / Low
/ $0.00000001
Day High / Low
/ $0.00000001
24 Hour High / Low
/ $0.00000001
Yesterday2 H / L
/ $0.00027133
Yesterday2 O / C
/ $0.00026015
Yesterday2 Change
Yesterday2 Volume
SAFEMOON  Statistics
No data
Market rank
Market cap
24 Hour Volume
C-g Supply
Total supply
All Time High
4 грудня 2022 р.
All Time Low
9 березня 2021 р.
52 Week High / Low
/ $0.00000000
90 Day High / Low
/ $0.00000001
30 Day High / Low
/ $0.00000001
Day High / Low
/ $0.00000001
24 Hour High / Low
/ $0.00000001
Yesterday2 H / L
/ $0.00027133
Yesterday2 O / C
/ $0.00026015
Yesterday2 Change
Yesterday2 Volume