The Art of Trading: Futures vs. Sport – How to choose the right tool for your portfolio?

In the world of financial investments, there are many tools that traders can use to achieve their investment goals. There are two main ones among them – futures and spot markets. In this article, we will figure out what futures and spot are, and how to choose the right tool for your trading portfolio.

Futures: Basic principles and features
Futures are agreements between a buyer and a seller to buy or sell an asset in the future at a fixed price. They are traded on exchanges and have standardized characteristics such as contract size, due date and underlying asset. The main advantages of futures include:

Shoulder Control: Traders can use leverage to increase their potential profits by investing only a fraction of the funds.
Risk protection: Futures can be used to protect against adverse changes in asset prices, thus reducing portfolio risks.
Spot market: Basic principles and features
A spot market is a market in which assets are traded and sold immediately (“on the spot”) at current market prices. It provides traders with the opportunity to directly buy and sell assets without the need for future transactions. The main advantages of the spot market include:

Simplicity and direct access: Traders can easily and quickly execute transactions at current market prices without the need to conclude contracts.
Minimum fees: Since transactions take place directly, without intermediaries and third-party settlement centers, commissions on the spot market are usually lower than on futures markets.
How do I choose the right tool for your portfolio?
When choosing between futures and the spot market, it is important to consider several factors:

1. Investment goals and strategies
If your strategy is based on short-term trades and leverage, then futures may be the preferred choice.
If you prefer long-term investments and want to avoid market volatility, then the spot market may be a more appropriate option.
2. The level of risk
Futures can provide greater profit potential, but also involve greater risks associated with the use of leverage.
The spot market is usually less volatile and represents a more conservative option for investors who want to avoid risk.
3. Liquidity and availability
Futures markets can be more liquid and accessible to large institutional players, while spot markets are often more accessible to retail investors.
The choice between futures and the spot market depends on your investment goals, strategies and preferences. Both of these tools have their advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to conduct a thorough analysis before deciding which tool is suitable for your trading portfolio. Observe diversity and assess your risks to achieve successful results in the world of trading.