Chives Coin
RankChives Coin
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Chives Coin

Chives Coin XCC Price 0.00045027

What is Chives? Chives is a proof-of-space-and-time (**PoST**) platform that wants to be a green alternative to PoW.
On June 30th, 2021, Chives was released and on July 5th, 2021, the mining file was released. Chives is a branch of CHIA XCH.
Chives XCC is building a second-layer network while it is a layer 1. Similar to networks like DASH, the second-layer network will be backed up by Master Nodes.
A healthy and complete Chives community environment is built using the remaining 10% of the block reward.
The Chives XCC team is issuing compelling use cases for its technology, like the launch of NFT gaming projects.
The launch of its explorer followed the launch of its wallet.

Who is the originator of Chives? Chives XCC was founded by E. Y. Savenkov. T. Zikun.
What are the plans from the founding fathers? Chives XCC is working with other Forks to develop an environmental initiative. The Chives XCC community funds will be used to fund this initiative.
Chives are unique. Chives XCC is unique as it was built.
Listen to what the community wants. What works.
The project is based on a Proof-of-Space consensus. Chives XCC has come out with a pre-mine, no initial coin offering, and a smaller Plot size to be the more eco-friendly option.

How many CC Coins are in circulation?

There are two stages in the distribution.
Stage 1 The community fund is used for the development of the network. Stage 2. A community fund is used for the development of the network and 45% is allocated to miners/farmers.

The Chives XCC Network is secured. Chives XCC is secured with a green PoST protocol.
At the time of writing, the project is secured by over 6,400 miners/farmers with a network space of over 300 million dollars. The Chives XCC fork is unique in the way that farmers on the Chives network can't use the network space on the Chives blockchain. This reduces the risk of a 51% attack on the Chives XCC network.

Participants in the smooth operation of the network are rewarded for their involvement as there are incentive mechanisms in place.
Chives Farm is what it is. The Chives Farming Game will take inspiration from games like Pokemon and Axie.
If you are familiar with play to earn games like Axie, you will be happy to know that we will have features like breeding, battle, trading and renting available for all players participating in the growth of this game. If you have multiple pets, you can rent them out to other people. Rental to other players will bring an extra income into a 20/80 or 30/70 model.
Chives Farm will have six different Pet races to begin with and each race will have at least six different development paths. This will allow for a very high variation of pets, as each development path will be divided in 10 different variations.
Where can I buy Chives? Chives XCC is only listed on two exchanges at the time of writing this article.

  • To own your crypto assets, you need to manage your own private keys.
  • Ledger hardware wallets make private key management easy and secure.
  • Each unique 24-word recovery phrase creates a new set of private keys.
  • Make sure you secure your 24-word recovery phrase properly.
XCC  Statistics
XCC  Price
Market rank
Market cap
24 Hour Volume
C-g Supply
Total supply
All Time High
5 грудня 2022 р.
All Time Low
29 травня 2022 р.
52 Week High / Low
/ $0.00065238
90 Day High / Low
/ $0.00065238
30 Day High / Low
/ $0.00065238
Day High / Low
/ $0.00072800
24 Hour High / Low
/ $0.00073499
Yesterday2 H / L
/ $0.00079285
Yesterday2 O / C
/ $0.00078121
Yesterday2 Change
Yesterday2 Volume





XCC  Statistics
XCC  Price
Market rank
Market cap
24 Hour Volume
C-g Supply
Total supply
All Time High
5 грудня 2022 р.
All Time Low
29 травня 2022 р.
52 Week High / Low
/ $0.00065238
90 Day High / Low
/ $0.00065238
30 Day High / Low
/ $0.00065238
Day High / Low
/ $0.00072800
24 Hour High / Low
/ $0.00073499
Yesterday2 H / L
/ $0.00079285
Yesterday2 O / C
/ $0.00078121
Yesterday2 Change
Yesterday2 Volume